Narrator: Michael Kaplan Interviewer: John Tortorice Date: 24, 25, 26 February 2019 Transcribed: Teresa Bergen, Skye Doney Format: Audio Total Length: 2 hours, 55 minutes, 40 seconds Michael Kaplan biography: Michael Kaplan graduated from the …
Mosse Program
Oral History: Michael Berkowitz
Narrator: Michael Berkowitz Interviewer: John Tortorice Videographer: William Tishler Date: 7 November 2018 Transcribed: Teresa Bergen, Matthew Greene, Skye Doney Format: Video Editing: Kyle Jenkins, Greg Konop Length: 1 hour, 42 minutes Michael Berkowitz …
Oral History: David Sorkin
Narrator: David Sorkin Interviewer: John Tortorice Date: 8 November 2019 Transcribed: Teresa Bergen Format: Audio Length: 2 hours, 5 minutes David Sorkin Biography: David Sorkin studied with George L. Mosse as an undergraduate at UW-Madison. …
Emily Stewart Long, review of Adam Y. Stern’s “Survival: A Theological-Political Genealogy”
Adam Y. Stern. Survival: A Theological-Political Genealogy. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021. 320 PP. Cloth $75.00. ISBN: 9780812252873. “The Empty Tomb” Adam Y. Stern’s Survival: A Theological-Political Genealogy offers a collection of vividly argued …
Oral History: Peter Abbott
Narrator: Peter Abbott Interviewer: John Tortorice, Skye Doney Videographer: William Tishler Date: 5 October 2018 Transcribed: Skye Doney Total Time: 38 minutes Editing: Kyle Jenkins, Greg Konop Peter Abbott biography: Born May 4, 1947, to …
Oral History: Seymour Drescher
Narrator: Seymour Drescher Interviewer: Anita Hecht, Life History Services Videographer: Anita Hecht Date: 28 October 2010 Transcribed: Skye Doney Total Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes Editing: Charles Glen for Life History Services, LLC Kyle Jenkins, …
Oral History: Rusty Borkin
Narrator: Rusty Borkin Interviewer: John Tortorice, Skye Doney Videographer: William Tishler Date: 5 October 2018 Transcribed: Skye Doney Total Time: 29 minutes Editing: Kyle Jenkins, Greg Konop Rusty Borkin biography: Rusty graduated with a BA …
Oral History: Sidney Iwanter
Narrator: Sidney Iwanter Interviewer: John Tortorice, Skye Doney Videographer: William Tishler Date: 17 August 2017 Transcribed: Skye Doney Total Time: 1 hour, 21 minutes Editing: Kyle Jenkins, Greg Konop Sidney Iwanter biography: Sidney Iwanter, the …
Oral History: Jane Williams
Narrator: Jane Williams Interviewer: John Tortorice Date: 22 May 2014 Transcribed: Teresa Bergen Total Time: 48 minutes, 31 seconds **To access the OHMS oral history page for Jane Williams, which allows listeners to search text …
Matthew Unangst review of Marie Muschalek’s “Violence as Usual”
Marie Muschalek, Violence as Usual: Policing and the Colonial State in German Southwest Africa (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2019). 270 PP. $49.95. ISBN: 978-1501742859. Marie Muschalek’s Violence as Usual takes as its subject the Landespolizei, …
Sunny Yudkoff: “Mosse, Literature, and the Wisconsin Workshop”
Scholars enter the world of George L. Mosse scholarship through different avenues. Years ago, as a graduate student studying modern Jewish literature, I first encountered Mosse’s work through The Image of Man (1996). At the …
Mosse Comic: “Ideas can be Weapons”
Nick Thorkelson, Dave Wagner, and Paul Buhle have illustrated and written a new comic based on Mosse’s scholarship: “Ideas can be Weapons.” Below we have asked all three to answer a few questions about this …
Kayci Olson Harris, Teaching the Cold War during COVID-19
Since my early days as a history graduate student at UW-Madison, I hoped that one day I would enjoy the opportunity of teaching my very own course. Thanks to the George L. Mosse Program in …
Chad S.A. Gibbs, On the Shoulders of Yitzhak Arad: A Review of The Operation Reinhard Death Camps
On the Shoulders of Yitzhak Arad: A Review of The Operation Reinhard Death Camps and Paths for Future Research on Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka The three extermination camps of Aktion Reinhard, or Operation Reinhard, sit …
Scott Spector, The Novel Corona Virus Crisis as Pedagogical Opportunity: History of the Present
As the COVID-19 crisis hit the United States and our students were sent home to complete the semester remotely, my colleague and I were teaching an introductory lecture course called “History of the Present.” The …
Abigail Lewis, George L. Mosse Graduate Exchange Fellow, 2019-2020
From October 2019 to March 2020 I had the opportunity to study and live in Jerusalem as a George L. Mosse Graduate Exchange Fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (HUJI). At HUJI, I …
Chad S.A. Gibbs: George L. Mosse Graduate Exchange Fellow, 2019-2020
A Holocaust memoir in the form of a musical. A living witness. Historical connections to the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. And hundreds of previously unknown primary sources left behind by survivors of Treblinka. These are …
Till van Rahden, “Democracy: A Fragile Way of Life”
Till van Rahden. Demokratie: Eine gefährdete Lebensform. Frankfurt: Campus, 2019. 196 PP. Cloth. 24.95€. ISBN: 9783593511344. 1) What Mood Are We In? Over the past fifteen years, we have moved from complacency and hubris to …
Digitizing 1914: Then Came Armageddon
In 2014 the George L. Mosse Program in History and UW-Madison’s Special Collections created an exhibition—1914: Then Came Armageddon—to commemorate the hundred year anniversary since the outbreak of World War I. Guest exhibit co-curators Skye …
Tom McLeish, review of James Ungureanu’s “Science, Religion, and the Protestant Tradition”
James C. Ungureanu. Science, Religion and the Protestant Tradition: Retracing the Origins of Conflict. Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh University Press, 2019. 368 PP. Cloth. $50.00. ISBN: 9780822945819.Review of: James C. Ungureanu Science, Religion and the Protestant Tradition: …
Teresa Bergen: Lecture- What I’ve Learned from 20 Years of Listening to Interviews
Troy Reeves: Hello? Yes, I’m guessing you can hear me. Because I can hear myself well. Thank you. So, we’re going to start right at noon. But please feel free to get up, get snacks. …
Teresa Bergen: A Breakfast Talk- “For the Oral History Curious”
Skye Doney: Teresa Bergen joins us today from Portland. And she has just published a book. Can I— Bergen: Oh, yeah. Doney: Do you mind if we send this around? Bergen: No, go ahead. Doney: …
Meike Hoffmann: Lecture- The Mosse Art Research Initiative
The Mosse Art Research Initiative (MARI): A Beacon of International Provenance Research Thank you all for being here. And thank you especially to the Center for German and European Studies for making this talk possible. …
Amos Bitzan: COVID-19 in Jerusalem, March 18, 2020
I hope that in future posts I will be able to document many of my wonderful experiences in Jerusalem and at the Hebrew University this academic year. This first post, however, will focus on less …
Sarah Qidwai, Sayyid Ahmad Khan: A Familiar Figure in an Unfamiliar Historical Setting
As a historical figure, Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan (1817-1898) is frequently characterized as a leader of Muslim nationalism in India and a reformer of both Islam and education.[1] Throughout his life he established several educational …