Jim Coons, “Here Are the People: The Scholarly Empathy of Laird Boswell, Suzanne Desan, and Mary Louise Roberts”

Conference program here. Photos from the event. Laird Boswell, Suzanne Desan, and Mary Louise Roberts have always placed people at the center of their scholarship. Speakers returned to this focus throughout the conference commemorating the …

Ludwig Decke, Conference Report: “Berlin Art Patrons and Their Country Houses as Places for the Private Display of Collections”

Sammlerinnen und Sammler des Berliner Mäzenatentums und ihre Landhäuser als Orte der privaten Kunstpräsentation Kunsthistorisches Institut der FU-Berlin Koserstr. 20 14195 Berlin Raum A 163, 27. September 2024 Sponsored by: Freie Universität zu Berlin Deutsche …

Jay Geller, review of Darcy Buerkle, Skye Doney eds., “Contemporary Europe in the Historical Imagination”

Darcy Buerkle and Skye Doney, eds. Contemporary Europe in the Historical Imagination. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2023. 418 pp. Cloth $79.95. ISBN 9780299342401. The mid-twentieth century produced many exceptional scholars of German history, more …

Lecture: Norman Domeier, “World Domination and Genocide: The ‘Lochner Version’ of Hitler’s Speech on 22 August 1939, a Key Document of National Socialist Ideology”

Attendees at the event received a hard copy of the “Lochner Version” of Hitler’s speech for reference through the lecture: **** Hitler’s Speech to the Leading Wehrmacht Generals on the Obersalzberg. 22 August 1939 (“Lochner …

Yuan Chang, review of Nicolas Berg’s “The Holocaust and the West German Historians: Historical Interpretation and Autobiographical Memory”

Nicolas Berg. The Holocaust and the West German Historians: Historical Interpretation and Autobiographical Memory. Trans. and ed. Joel Golb. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2015. 346 PP. Paper $34.95. ISBN:‎ 9780299300845. The Holocaust and the …

Donatello Aramini, Lecture- “Nationalists and Fascists in Interwar Italy: A Study on Right-Wing Radicalism and the Processes of Hybridization and Fascistization”

The following talk was given at Memorial Library on Thursday, 4 August 2022. For an overview of the afternoon read Libby Theune’s “Summer Scholars Share Insights on Interwar European Politics.” The call for applications for …

Tom Eshed, review of Jeffrey Herf’s “Israel’s Moment: International Support for and Opposition to Establishing the Jewish State, 1945–1949”

Jeffrey Herf. Israel’s Moment: International Support for and Opposition to Establishing the Jewish State, 1945-1949. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 450 PP. Cloth $39.99. ISBN: 9781316517963. Jeffrey Herf’s Israel’s Moment: International Support for and Opposition …