Teaching Fellowship

Perhaps even more than would have been the case during a typical semester, this lectureship enabled me to experiment and grow as an instructor. I improved the structure and delivery of my (recorded and in-person) lectures, tested a variety of formats for leading effective discussions, learned the basics of online teaching, and—above all—accepted the importance of flexibility in the face of students’ needs and changing teaching environments.

Kayci Olson Harris (2020)

George L. Mosse Teaching Fellowship in European History

Former students of George L. Mosse who wish to honor their teacher in a way that acknowledged his commitment to teaching, and his extraordinary ability to inspire his students established the George L. Mosse Teaching Fellowship in 1992. Contributions to the teaching fellowship fund by former students, other alumni, colleagues, and friends underwrite a one-year teaching fellowship every other year. The Teaching Fellowship allows an advanced PhD student under the supervision of their doctoral advisor to develop and teach an undergraduate course. The Mosse Teaching Fellow is considered a part of the Department of History faculty and has full responsibility for teaching an undergraduate class. The Mosse Teaching Fellow creates the syllabus, selects the textbooks, has an office, maintains office hours, and is listed as the instructor of record in the timetable. The Fellowship provides funding for a full academic year. The Graduate Fellowship Committee of the Department of History selects Mosse Teaching Fellows, with consideration given to the applicant’s academic record and prior performance as a teaching assistant.

Outstanding graduate students are inspiring teachers as they are still in the process of learning and sharing knowledge.

Teaching Fellowship Course Titles and Syllabi:

Collin Bernard
Course: Europe’s Urban Age, 1900-Today

Sara Paris
Course: Women, Spirituality, Law, and Medicine (1100-1500)

Kayci Olson Harris
Course: The Cold War in European Culture

John Boonstra
Course: Modern Mediterranean History, 1798 to the Present

Abigail Lewis
Course: Picturing History: Visual Culture, Photography, and Memory in Modern Europe

Grace Allen
Course: From Food to Fashion: Creating Consumer Desire in Modern Europe

Lane Sunwall
Course: European Imperialism: Expansion and Contraction? — 1870-Present

Katie Jarvis
Course: From Humors to Hysteria: Human and Political Bodies in European History, 1517-1918

Terry Peterson
Course: Europeans and Muslims in the Modern Mediterranean, 1800-Present

Eric O’Connor
Course: The Historical Development of European Unity, 1945-Present

James Coons
Course: Rebels, Revolutionaries, and Cultural Change in Europe, 1300-1800

Jessica Kirstein
Course: Modern Jewish History in Latin America

Jeffrey Hobbs
Course: The History of Democracy in Europe, 1789-2000

James Matenaer
Course: The Developing Institutions of Medieval Education, 300-1500

David Gehring
Course: Religion and Conflict in Early Modern Europe

Melissa Sartore
Course: Invasions of Britain

Holly Grout
Course: European Consumer Society, 1700-Present

Ethan Katz
Course: Jews and Muslims in the Mediterranean: 1800-Present

Eric Platt
Course: The Netherlands in the Age of Rembrandt and Vermeer

Gregory Shealy
Course: Germany in the Long 19th Century

Hunter Martin
Course: French Intellectuals in the 20th Century: Ideology and Identity

William Meier
Course: The European Underworld, 1800-2000: A Social and Cultural History

Sharon Elise (Lisa) Cline
Course: Nationalism and Sexuality in 19th and 20th Century Europe

Denise Kawasaki
Course: Medieval Thought from St. Augustine to Fifteenth Century Conciliarism

Robert Lewis
Course: The European City and the Transformation of Visual Culture, 1850-Present

Scott Moranda
Course: Society and Environment: An Environmental History of the European World

Gil Ribak
Course: Jewish – Gentile Relations in Urban America, 1830-1970

Ana Schaposchnik
Course: Society and Environment: An Environmental History of the European World

Eric Zuelow
Course: The History of Modern Travel

Eric Ehrenreich
Course: History of European Racism

Catherine Plum
Course: East German Society & Culture, 1949-1989

Eric Carlsson
Course: Religion and the European Enlightenment, 1650-1800

Robert Zens
Course: From Empire to Nation-State: History of the Balkans

Erik Jensen
Course: Weimar Germany: Society, Politics and Modernity in Europe’s ‘Roaring Twenties’

Alison Schulz
Course: Revolutionary Britain: Civil War and Commonwealth

Daniel Kowalsky
Course: Revolution and Civil War in Twentieth-Century Europe

Susan Boettcher
Course: The City & Urban Life in Early Modern Europe

Susan Dinan
Course: Women in Europe 1500-1830