Jan Assmann. Of God and Gods: Egypt, Israel, and the Rise of Monotheism. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2008. 200 PP. Cloth. $26.95. ISBN: 9780299225544. One critical question in the study of religion from at …
Mosse Program Books
Dan Hummel, Mosse’s Nationalization of the Masses: General Will
Mosse’s General Will and Christianity On the first page of Nationalization of the Masses, Mosse introduces us to the “general will,” a term rooted in the philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) that consists of “the …
Dan Hummel, Mosse’s Nationalization of the Masses: Politics as Drama
Politics as Drama: Mosse’s Nationalization of the Masses One of Nationalization of the Masses’ most enduring contributions is to evoke how the masses came to see politics as a “drama within which liturgical rites took …
Dan Hummel, Mosse’s Nationalization of the Masses: Secular Religion
Secular Religion: Mosse’s Nationalization of the Masses The Nationalization of the Masses is not one of George Mosse’s best known works, but it remains a stimulating and relevant analysis of the rise of mass movements …
Ana Schaposchnik, “The Lima Inquisition: The Plight of Crypto-Jews in Seventeenth-Century Peru”015)
Ana E. Schaposchnik. The Lima Inquisition: The Plight of Crypto-Jews in Seventeenth-Century Peru. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2017. 294 PP. Cloth. $65.00. ISBN: 9780299306106. The Holy Office of the Inquisition (a royal tribunal that …
Chad Alan Goldberg, “Modernity and the Jews in Western Social Thought”
Chad Alan Goldberg. Modernity and the Jews in Western Social Thought. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017. 256 PP. Cloth. $113.00. ISBN: 9780226460413. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, prominent social thinkers in …
Brad Baranowski, review of Martin Jay’s “Reason After its Eclipse”
Martin Jay. Reason after Its Eclipse: On Late Critical Theory. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2017. 272 PP. Cloth. $44.95. ISBN: 9780299306502. Martin Jay, Reason …