The struggle, grit, pain, and reality of life during the Great War – World War I – are brought into a new light as a unique online exhibition is unveiled at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. …
Emma Kuby, review of Elissa Mailänder’s “Amour, mariage, sexualité. Une histoire intime du nazisme (1930-1950)”
Elissa Mailänder. Amour, mariage, sexualité. Une histoire intime du nazisme (1930-1950). Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2021. 512 PP. Paper €24.00. ISBN: 9782021459241. In 1995, an elderly Austrian woman stood before the photographic evidence of Nazi …
Oral History: Lawrence Baron
Narrator: Lawrence Baron Interviewer: Skye Doney Date: 20 December 2022 Transcribed by: Teresa Bergen Total Time: 1 hour, 57 minutes, 13 seconds Lawrence Baron Biography: Professor Emeritus Lawrence Baron held the Nasatir Chair of Modern …
Elisheva Carlebach, Mosse Lecture 03: Seminar- Records and the Forgotten Jewish Women
Gender and the Jewish Archive Lecture 1: The Jewish Archives of Early Modern Europe Lecture 2: Records and the Forgotten Jewish Women Lecture (seminar) 3: Jewish Court Records- Gender and “Jewish Autonomy” The venue …
Oral History: Gerda Lerner
Narrator: Gerda Lerner (1921-2013) Interviewer: Barry Teicher (1949-2016) Date: 18 and 22 November 2000 Transcribed by: Teresa Bergen Format: Audio Duration: 4 hours, 3 minutes Oral History Project Interview #554 Gerda Lerner Biography: Gerda Lerner …
Sean Andrew Wempe, review of Matthew Unangst’s “Colonial Geography: Race and Space in German East Africa, 1884-1905”
Matthew Unangst, Colonial Geography: Race and Space in German East Africa, 1884-1905. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2022. 320 PP. Cloth $85.00. ISBN: 9781487543402. Colonial Geography: Race and Space in German East Africa, 1884-1905 charts …
Christopher A. Molnar, review of Lauren Stokes’s “Fear of the Family: Guest Workers and Family Migration in the Federal Republic of Germany”
Lauren Stokes. Fear of the Family: Guest Workers and Family Migration in the Federal Republic of Germany. New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. 312 PP. Cloth $35.00. ISBN: 9780197558416. One morning in late August 2022, …
Oral History: Christopher Hexter
Narrator: Christopher Hexter Interviewer: Skye Doney Date: 15 June 2018 Transcribed by: Teresa Bergen Format: Audio Duration: 25 minutes, 59 seconds **To access the OHMS oral history page for Christopher Hexter, which allows listeners to …
Oral History: Paul Buhle
Narrator: Paul Buhle Interviewer: Troy Reeves, John Tortorice Dates: 26 February 2014, 19 May 2014, 10 June 2014 Transcribed by: Teresa Bergen Format: Audio Total Length: 3 hours, 8 minutes Oral History Program Interview #1372 …
Oral History: Renato Moro
Narrator: Renato Moro Interviewer: John Tortorice Date: 27 March 2018 Transcribed by: Teresa Bergen Format: Audio Total Length: 1 hour, 40 minutes Renato Moro biography: Renato Moro is a Full Professor of Contemporary History at Roma …
Christopher Hommerding, review of Stephen Vider’s “The Queerness of Home: Gender, Sexuality, and the Politics of Domesticity after World War II”
Stephen Vider. The Queerness of Home: Gender, Sexuality, and the Politics of Domesticity after World War II. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2021. 304 PP. Paper $29.00. ISBN: 9780226808369. Just about twenty years ago I …
Susanna Cassisa, review of W. Jake Newsome’s “Pink Triangle Legacies: Coming Out in the Shadow of the Holocaust”
W. Jake Newsome. Pink Triangle Legacies: Coming Out in the Shadow of the Holocaust. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2022. 286 PP. Cloth $34.95. ISBN: 9781501765155. Since its appearance on the iconic “Silence = Death” …
Haley E. R. Cooper, “Playing with the Past: The Ghost of Houdini Lives in a Texas Escape Room”
Locked in a 10×10 cubicle in the basement of an office building, a zombie on a chain chased me while my friends solved puzzles to get us out. When we escaped with seven seconds to …
Oral History: Laurence Lerner
Narrator: Laurence Lerner Interviewer: Skye Doney Date: August 10, 2022 Transcribed by: Teresa Bergen Format: Audio Total Length: 1 hour, 39 minutes, 57 seconds Begin Track 1, August 10, 2022 Doney: Yeah, so …
Maddy McGlone, “Archiving the Everyday and the Historian’s Craft”
My work with the George L. Mosse Program began in April 2021 at the UW Archives, working for the Oral History Program. The Mosse internship has a unique structure – it lends students to departments …
Rebecca Carter-Chand, review of Monique Scheer’s “Enthusiasm: Emotional Practices of Conviction in Modern Germany”
Monique Scheer. Enthusiasm: Emotional Practices of Conviction in Modern Germany. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. 256 PP. Cloth $100.00. ISBN: 9780198863595. Over the past decade Monique Scheer has been at the forefront of applying the …
Donatello Aramini, Lecture- “Nationalists and Fascists in Interwar Italy: A Study on Right-Wing Radicalism and the Processes of Hybridization and Fascistization”
The following talk was given at Memorial Library on Thursday, 4 August 2022. For an overview of the afternoon read Libby Theune’s “Summer Scholars Share Insights on Interwar European Politics.” The call for applications for …
Tom Eshed, review of Jeffrey Herf’s “Israel’s Moment: International Support for and Opposition to Establishing the Jewish State, 1945–1949”
Jeffrey Herf. Israel’s Moment: International Support for and Opposition to Establishing the Jewish State, 1945-1949. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 450 PP. Cloth $39.99. ISBN: 9781316517963. Jeffrey Herf’s Israel’s Moment: International Support for and Opposition …
Stefania Ragaù, Lecture- “Nationalist Humanism, ‘Nationalhumanismus,’ after George L. Mosse”
The following talk was given at Memorial Library on Thursday, 4 August 2022. For an overview of the afternoon read Libby Theune’s “Summer Scholars Share Insights on Interwar European Politics.” The call for applications for …
Braden Russell, review of Javier Samper Vendrell’s “The Seduction of Youth”
Javier Samper Vendrell. The Seduction of Youth: Print Culture and Homosexual Rights in the Weimar Republic. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020. 261 PP. Paper $35.95. ISBN 9781487525033. In popular and academic discourses, Weimar Berlin …
Austin Clements, review of Emilio Gentile’s “Fascination with the Persecutor”
Emilio Gentile. Fascination with the Persecutor: George L. Mosse and the Catastrophe of Modern Man. Trans. John and Anne Tedeschi. Foreword Stanley Payne. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2022. 224 PP. Cloth $39.95. ISBN: 9780299334307. …
Dagmar Herzog, “In Exile in the Promised Land,” a review of “Queer Jewish Lives”
Andreas Kraß, Moshe Sluhovsky, and Yuval Yonay, eds., Queer Jewish Lives between Central Europe and Mandatory Palestine. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2022. 332 PP. Paper $37.05. ISBN 9783837653328. This astonishing, groundbreaking anthology offers a panoply of unexpected …
Stefania Ragaù, review of “La contemporaneità del passato. Studi in onore di Renato Moro”
Donatello Aramini, Giovanni M. Ceci, Laura Ciglioni, Maurizio Zinni, eds. La contemporaneità del passato. Studi in onore di Renato Moro. Roma: Carocci editore, 2021. 399 PP. Cloth € 44.00. ISBN 9788829013234. «La contemporaneità del passato» …
Jack Styler, “My Year with the UW-Madison Oral History Program”
Over the last year, I worked as a George L. Mosse Intern in Digital and European History. My work focused on assisting the Oral History Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Archives & Records Management. …
Krzysztof Borowski, review of Kathryn Ciancia’s “On Civilization’s Edge: A Polish Borderland in the Interwar World”
Kathryn Ciancia. On Civilization’s Edge: A Polish Borderland in the Interwar World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Cloth $74.00. 368 PP. ISBN: 9780190067458. As a country made up of “three unequal halves,” to quote Stefan …